Victorian Leather Top Writing Desk SAI1298 dealer_sinclairs_highres_1525981457398-5838996117.jpg

Victorian Leather Top Writing Desk SAI1298

Victorian Burr Walnut Credenza SAI1596 dealer_sinclairs_highres_1551631992152-6898943418.jpg

Victorian Burr Walnut Credenza SAI1596

Stunning 19th Century Rosewood Break fronted Side Cabinet Bookcase SAI1254 dealer_sinclairs_highres_1524169954383-6383104000.jpg

Stunning 19th Century Rosewood Break fronted Side Cabinet Bookcase SAI1254

Edwardian Mirror Back Chiffonier SAI1449 dealer_sinclairs_highres_1541538051953-7070779237.jpg

Edwardian Mirror Back Chiffonier SAI1449

Edwardian Walnut Mirror Back Sideboard/ Display Cabin SAI1678 dealer_sinclairs_highres_1559772709961-2977551697.jpg

Edwardian Walnut Mirror Back Sideboard/ Display Cabin SAI1678

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19th Century Military Campaign Camphor Wood Roll Top Writing Slope SAI1893

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Chinese Elm Wood Knee Hole Desk SAI1870

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Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Cheval Dressing Mirror SAI1974

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Fabulous Victorian French Mahogany Marble Top Dressing Table SAI2026

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Victorian 4 Tier Mahogany Whatnot SAI2032

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Chinese Carved Marble Top Vase Stand SAI2053

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Victorian Mahogany Pedestal Desk SAI2102

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19th Century Zanzibar Chest SAI2087

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Victorian Scumbled Pine Mule Chest SAI2157

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19th Century Teak Storage Chest / Trunk SAI2201

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Pair of Gymnastic Pommel Horses SAI1371

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George III Style Mahogany Bureau On Stand By Muirhead And Moffat Of Glasgow SAI1690

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Edwardian Mahogany Canterbury SAI2290

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Cheval Dressing Table Mirror SAI2301

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Chinese Marble Top Plant Stand SAI2306

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Victorian Walnut Canterbury SAI2314

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Victorian Walnut Davenport SAI2338

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Victorian Walnut Davenport SAI2349

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Edwardian Walnut Pedestal Desk SAI2337

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Edwardian Mahogany Display Cabinet / Bookcase SAI2368

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Set Of 6 Water Colours SAI2395

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Pair of Country House Temple Jars SAI2449

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Oriental Vase Stand SAI2452

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Pair Of French Victorian Coal Scuttles SAI2466

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Edwardian Oak Shaving Stand SAI2513

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Chippendale Style Walnut Wall Mirror SAI1140

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Victorian Walnut Whatnot SAI2538

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Mahogany Box SAI2560

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Walnut Mirror SAI2542

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Mahogany Sarcophagus Shaped Wine Cooler SAI1677

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Silver Plate Fruit And Nut Serving Set SAI2601

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Silver Sugar Shaker SAI2607

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Wilton Ware Plate SAI2602

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Three piece Silver-plate Tea Set SAI2606

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Oak Arts And Crafts Davenport SAI1237

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Victorian Walnut Pop Up Piano Davenport SAI2652

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Anglo-Indian Elm Bureau SAI1952

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John Weiss & Son Dentist Set SAI2662

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Victorian Mahogany Cheval Mirror SAI2661

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Victorian Oriental Carved Blanket / Storage Box SAI2659

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Cast Iron Trivet / Pot StandSAI2670

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Edwardian Maple & Co Writing Desk SAI2654

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Edwardian Brass Fender SAI2677

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Georgian Mahogany Mule Chest / House Keeper's Trunk SAI2675

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Oak Coffer/ Blanket Box SAI2672

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Victorian Mahogany Canterbury/ Magazine/ Music Rack SAI1340

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Chinese Camphor Wood Storage / Blanket Box SAI2697

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Victorian Mahogany 4 Tier Whatnot SAI2033

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Victorian 4 Piece Doulton Burslem Jug And Basin Set SAI2731

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19th Century Metal Work " The Last Supper" SAI2747

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Georgian Mahogany Knee Hole Desk SAI2751

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Oak Framed Print of an Army Private SAI2805

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Rabbie Burns Portrait Painted on Glass SAI2804

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Pair Of Crystoleoms SAI2810

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Chinese Carved Hardwood Vase Stand SAI1832

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Victorian Rosewood Canterbury SAI2467

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Vintage Push Along Horse SAI2849

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Victorian EPNS Desk Set SAI2879

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Victorian Pine Mule Chest SAI2903

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Burgundy And Gold Vintage Woollen Rug SAI2925

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Wrought Iron Panels/ Gates SAI2929

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Edwardian Ladies Riding Boots SAI2934

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Chinese Camphor Wood Storage / Blanket Box SAI2939

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Chinese Marble Top Plant / Vase Stand SAI2942

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Vintage Belouch Hand Woven Rug SAI2945

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Oriental Camphor Wood Blanket / Storage Box SAI2951

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Blacksmiths Cast Iron Anvil SAI2953

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Indonesian Hardwood Figure Of Vishnu, Garuda And Dragons SAI2966

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Cased Clipper Model Ship Of 'the Hippolyta' SAI2972

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Rima Rrsm Nf Dutch Harbour Scene SAI2981

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Victorian Pine Domed Top Trunk SAI3020

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Edwardian EPNS Egg Cup Set SAI3010

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Flexible Flyer Sledge SAI3008

Vintage Flexible Flyer Sledge SAI3009 DSC_0057.JPG

Vintage Flexible Flyer Sledge SAI3009

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Edwardian Cast Iron Blackpool Tower Bank SAI3034

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Victorian Rosewood Sewing / Jewellery Box SAI3033

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EPNS Ink Well And Pen Tray SAI3007

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Victorian Mahogany Pillar SAI3041

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Victorian Oak Teapoy SAI3039

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Victorian Paper-mache Tray SAI3047

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Edwardian Bamboo Fire Screen SAI3054

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Vintage Hand Woven Hall Runner SAI3062

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Art Nouveau Copper Fire Screen SAI3077

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Art Nouveau Copper Bucket SAI2886

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John & William Ridgway "India Temple" Blue & White Meat Charger SAI3076

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Tunbridge Ware Rectangular Box SAI3100

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Art Nouveau Copper Coal Bucket SAI3107

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Victorian Copper Pot SAI3106

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Victorian 3 Tier Walnut Whatnot SAI3111

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19th Century Copper And Brass Powder Flask SAI3134

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19th Century Copper And Brass Powder Flask SAI3133

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19th Century Copper And Brass Powder Flask SAI3135

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19th Century Copper And Brass Powder Flask SAI3132

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19th Century Leather Powder Flask SAI3137


19th Century Leather Powder Flask SAI3138

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Pair Of Spelter Roman Figures SAI3118

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J. E. Waller, The Cavaliers Rest Oil Painting SAI3154

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Circular Gilt Mirror SAI3167

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Victorian 4 Tier Mahogany Whatnot SAI3260

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Chinese Camphor Wood Carved Storage /blanket Box SAI3263

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19th Century Teak Storage Box SAI3589

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Edwardian Canvas Travel Trunk SAI3625

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Cast Iron Umbrella / Stick Stand SAI3622

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Victorian Iron- Bound Silver Box SAI3653

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Edwardian Safe by A.P. Jordan & Co SAI3681

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Hodgkinson's WW1 Trench Ladder SAI3673

Mahogany Sarcophagus-shaped Cellarette / Wine Cooler sai1997 19971.jpg

Mahogany Sarcophagus-shaped Cellarette / Wine Cooler sai1997

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Victorian Walnut Bureau du Dame / Writing Desk SAI1966

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Victorian Oak Spiral Pillar SAI3693

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Pair Of French Bronze Candelabras SAI3701


Persian Hand Knotted Rug SAI3704

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Pair Of Victorian Crystal Vases SAI3707

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Victorian Ebonized Pedestal SAI3712

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Mahogany & Brass Planter SAI3710

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Edwardian Marble Pillar SAI3713
