DSC_0022.JPG DSC_0023.JPG

Victorian Brass Oil / Paraffin Lamp SAI3188

DSC_0052.JPG DSC_0060.JPG

Pink Victorian Brass Oil / Paraffin Lamp SAI3191

DSC_0033.JPG DSC_0034.JPG

Pair Of Black Curling Stones SAI3189

DSC_0036.JPG 39.JPG

British School Pair Of Oil Portraits SAI3158

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Pair Of British School Portraits SAI3157

DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0002.JPG

Oak Storage / Blanket Box SAI3194

DSC_0087.JPG DSC_0088.JPG

Victorian Duplex Oil / Paraffin Lamp SAI3210

DSC_0019.JPG DSC_0020.JPG

Young's Special Brass Oil/ Paraffin Lamp SAI3195

DSC_0067.JPG 79.JPG

Victorian Dome Top Oak Storage / Blanket Box SAI3200

DSC_0028.JPG DSC_0036.JPG

British Made Brass Oil / Paraffin Lamp SAI3196

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Georgian Mahogany Storage Box SAI3215

DSC_0038.JPG DSC_0039.JPG

Victorian Messenger's Oil / Paraffin Lamp SAI3197

DSC_0087.JPG DSC_0088.JPG

Set Of 5 Barristers Wig & Gown Hangers SAI3247

DSC_0095.JPG DSC_0096.JPG

Chinoiserie Barometer SAI3248

DSC_0042.JPG DSC_0044.JPG

Vintage Ghochan Hand Woven Woollen Rug SAI3236

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Victorian Oak Hall Stand SAI3231

DSC_0074.JPG DSC_0075.JPG

Set Of 4 Edwardian Barristers Hangers SAI3245

DSC_0062.JPG DSC_0063.JPG

Walker Hall Silver Basket SAI3216

DSC_0094.JPG DSC_0095.JPG

Hand-coloured Portrait Of A Little Boy SAI3266

DSC_0098.JPG DSC_0099.JPG

Hand-coloured Portrait Of A Little Girl SAI3267

DSC_0014.JPG DSC_0015.JPG

Persian Woollen Rug SAI3271

DSC_0048.JPG DSC_0049.JPG

Hand Painted Oil/ Paraffin Lamp SAI3198

DSC_0024.JPG DSC_0021.JPG

Chinese Camphor Wood Storage / Blanket Box SAI3277

DSC_0003.JPG DSC_0009.JPG

Chinese Camphor Wood Blanket / Storage Box SAI3276

DSC_0051.JPG DSC_0056.JPG

Hand Painted Oriental Charger SAI3292

DSC_0023.JPG DSC_0031.JPG

Edwardian Oak Hall Stand SAI3290

DSC_0002.JPG 10.JPG

Victorian Rosewood Tapestry Fire Screen SAI3297

DSC_0035.JPG DSC_0041.JPG

Camphor Wood Storage / Blanket Box SAI3299

DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0003.JPG

Pair Of Victorian Silver Plate Candle Sticks SAI3308

DSC_0036.JPG DSC_0039.JPG

Indian Steamer Trunk SAI3312

Pierre Louis Détrier Bergère Bronze Figure SAI3327 DSC_0100.JPG

Pierre Louis Détrier Bergère Bronze Figure SAI3327

DSC_0043.JPG DSC_0054.JPG

Royal Marines Officers Trunk SAI3323

DSC_0082.JPG DSC_0086.JPG

Regency Mahogany Dressing / Vanity Mirror SAI3338

DSC_0068.JPG DSC_0073.JPG

J Wallis Oil Painting SAI3326

Victorian Mahogany Library Steps SAI3343 DSC_0054.JPG

Victorian Mahogany Library Steps SAI3343

Half-length Black & White Portrait SAI3364 DSC_0062.JPG

Half-length Black & White Portrait SAI3364

Charles Burton Barber Chromolithograph SAI3365 DSC_0069.JPG

Charles Burton Barber Chromolithograph SAI3365

Chromolithograph Wellington At Waterloo SAI3361 DSC_0045.JPG

Chromolithograph Wellington At Waterloo SAI3361

John Everett Millais "Cherry Ripe" Chromolithograph SAI3366 DSC_0082.JPG

John Everett Millais "Cherry Ripe" Chromolithograph SAI3366

African Bamum Tribal Helmet/ Mask SAI3374 50.JPG

African Bamum Tribal Helmet/ Mask SAI3374

Victorian Rosewood Wall Bracket/ Shelf SAI3375 3 .JPG

Victorian Rosewood Wall Bracket/ Shelf SAI3375

Victorian Bronze Male Figure Playing A Hurdy Gurdy SAI3384 DSC_0070.JPG

Victorian Bronze Male Figure Playing A Hurdy Gurdy SAI3384

Edwardian Miniature Mahogany Wardrobe SAI3385 DSC_0078.JPG

Edwardian Miniature Mahogany Wardrobe SAI3385

Victorian Lumb Stock Engraving SAI3380 DSC_0019.JPG

Victorian Lumb Stock Engraving SAI3380

Victorian Royal Worcester Parian Ware Figure SAI3383 DSC_0053.JPG

Victorian Royal Worcester Parian Ware Figure SAI3383

Pair Of Taxidermy Ruddy Shelduck SAI3394 DSC_0105.JPG

Pair Of Taxidermy Ruddy Shelduck SAI3394

Edwardian Brass Bound Oak Jug SAI3390 DSC_0063.JPG

Edwardian Brass Bound Oak Jug SAI3390

DSC_0072.JPG DSC_0078.JPG

Edwardian Brass Bound Oak Jug SAI3391

Vintage Persian Rug SAI3397 DSC_0135.JPG

Vintage Persian Rug SAI3397

Vintage Hand Made Turkish Long Rug / Runner SAI3398 DSC_0143.JPG

Vintage Hand Made Turkish Long Rug / Runner SAI3398

William DeShazo Oil on Board SAI3388 DSC_0043.JPG

William DeShazo Oil on Board SAI3388

DSC_0159.JPG DSC_0163.JPG

Vintage Moroccan Rug SAI3401

Taxidermy White Kudu SAI3409 DSC_0009.JPG

Taxidermy White Kudu SAI3409

Victorian Burr Walnut Writing Slope SAI3416 DSC_0029.JPG

Victorian Burr Walnut Writing Slope SAI3416

Edwardian Mahogany Torchiere / Plant Stand SAI3420 82.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Torchiere / Plant Stand SAI3420

Chinese Marble Top Plant Stand SAI3419 DSC_0071.JPG

Chinese Marble Top Plant Stand SAI3419

Edwardian Oak Stick Stand SAI3426 DSC_0040.JPG

Edwardian Oak Stick Stand SAI3426

Marble Top Chinese Stand SAI3427 DSC_0048.JPG

Marble Top Chinese Stand SAI3427

Bullock Cart Bench SAI3441 DSC_0096.JPG

Bullock Cart Bench SAI3441

19th Century Hardwood Tray SAI3442 DSC_0068.JPG

19th Century Hardwood Tray SAI3442

Oriental Camphor Wood Storage Box SAI3443 DSC_0072.JPG

Oriental Camphor Wood Storage Box SAI3443

Mounted Oryx Horns SAI3440 DSC_0050.JPG

Mounted Oryx Horns SAI3440

Silver Framed Dressing / Vanity Mirror SAI3446 IMG-20240706-WA0003.jpg

Silver Framed Dressing / Vanity Mirror SAI3446

Edwardian Mahogany Gilt Gesso Mirror SAI3450 DSC_0021.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Gilt Gesso Mirror SAI3450

Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal/ Torchiere SAI3461 DSC_0028.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Pedestal/ Torchiere SAI3461

DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0003.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Wall Mirror SAI3468

DSC_0066.JPG DSC_0067.JPG

Victorian Walnut Writing Slope SAI3474

Victorian Ebony Colonial Writing Box SAI3472 DSC_0042.JPG

Victorian Ebony Colonial Writing Box SAI3472

DSC_0008.JPG DSC_0003.JPG

Arts And Crafts Mahogany Hallstand SAI3484

DSC_0068.JPG DSC_0069.JPG

Large Country House Wicker Basket SAI3493

Rosewood And Kingwood Wall Mirror SAI3492 DSC_0061.JPG

Rosewood And Kingwood Wall Mirror SAI3492

DSC_0019.JPG DSC_0020.JPG

Victorian Cast Iron Stick Stand SAI3508

DSC_0037.JPG DSC_0038.JPG

Chinese Hardwood Dragon Lantern Stand SAI3510

DSC_0001.JPG 1.JPG

Victorian Oak Barometer By W Watson & Sons SAI3529

DSC_0039.JPG DSC_0040.JPG

James Campbell Noble Oil Painting SAI3520

Victorian Scumbled Painted Storage Box SAI3527 DSC_0041.JPG

Victorian Scumbled Painted Storage Box SAI3527

19th Century Mahogany Canterbury SAI3531 1.JPG

19th Century Mahogany Canterbury SAI3531

DSC_0030.JPG DSC_0031.JPG

Beech Bentwood Hat/ Coat Stand SAI3537

DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0002.JPG

Early 19th Century Pine Settle SAI3541

19th Century Hardwood Camel Saddle SAI3543 DSC_0081.JPG

19th Century Hardwood Camel Saddle SAI3543

DSC_0014.JPG DSC_0015.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Planter SAI3535

DSC_0038.JPG DSC_0039.JPG

Japanese Amari Plate SAI3553

DSC_0187.JPG DSC_0196.JPG

Edwardian Walnut Writing Slope SAI3564

DSC_0180.JPG DSC_0181.JPG

Japanese Imari Charger SAI3567

DSC_0172.JPG DSC_0173.JPG

Japanese Blue & White Plate SAI3566

DSC_0119.JPG DSC_0120.JPG

Georgian Mahogany Cellarette / Wine Cooler SAI3559

DSC_0108.JPG DSC_0109.JPG

Pair of Japanese Nishikide Pear Shaped Vases SAI3580

DSC_0058.JPG DSC_0059.JPG

Pair Of Cast Iron Carron Boot Scrapers SAI3585

Vintage Kandamar Louis De Poortere SAI3582 7.JPG

Vintage Kandamar Louis De Poortere SAI3582

DSC_0066.JPG DSC_0067.JPG

Blacksmiths Cast Iron Anvil SAI3587

DSC_0075.JPG DSC_0076.JPG

Blacksmith Cast Iron Anvil SAI3588

Oil On Canvas By Richard Geiger, Commedia Dell'arte SAI3599 DSC_0215.JPG

Oil On Canvas By Richard Geiger, Commedia Dell'arte SAI3599

DSC_0281.JPG DSC_0282.JPG

19th Century School Charcoal Portrait SAI3606

DSC_0253.JPG DSC_0254.JPG

European School Oil On Canvas SAI3603

DSC_0243.JPG DSC_0244.JPG

European School Oil On Canvas SAI3604

Oil On Canvas After William James Muller SAI3605 79.JPG

Oil On Canvas After William James Muller SAI3605

Old Master School Still Life SAI3600 23.JPG

Old Master School Still Life SAI3600

DSC_0234.JPG DSC_0236.JPG

Old Master Still Life SAI3601

DSC_0262.JPG DSC_0263.JPG

Malines By J Debauenaux Painting SAI3602

DSC_0021.JPG DSC_0022.JPG

Cast Iron Umbrella / Stick Stand SAI3620

DSC_0182.JPG DSC_0183.JPG

A Vannetti Bronze Tiger And Cubs SAI3696

DSC_0176.JPG DSC_0177.JPG

Edwardian Mahogany Wall Mirror SAI3638

DSC_0065.JPG DSC_0066.JPG

Hand-carved Anglo-Indian Wooden Trinket Box SAI3650

DSC_0129.JPG DSC_0130.JPG

10 Point Stag Skull With Black Forest Mount SAI3663

DSC_0135.JPG DSC_0136.JPG

Black Forest Mounted Stag Skull With 11 Point Antlers SAI3664

DSC_0009.JPG DSC_0010.JPG

Balinese Carved Figure SAI3660

DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0002.JPG

Balinese Carved Dancing Figure SAI3661

DSC_0015.JPG DSC_0020.JPG

Balinese Carved Figure of a Deity SAI3662

DSC_0122.JPG DSC_0123.JPG

Majolica Plate By Schutz Blansko SAI3616

DSC_0051.JPG DSC_0052.JPG

Black Forest Bear Coat Hooks SAI3671

DSC_0014.JPG DSC_0015.JPG

Taxidermy Nile Crocodile SAI3669

Pierre Louis Détrier Bronze Shepherdess 96.JPG

Pierre Louis Détrier Bronze Shepherdess

Pair of Victorian Mahogany Standard Lamps SAI3149 DSC_0109.JPG

Pair of Victorian Mahogany Standard Lamps SAI3149

DSC_0016.JPG DSC_0017.JPG

Edmund Thornton Crawford Oil On Board SAI3699

DSC_0087.JPG DSC_0088.JPG

Victorian Marble Pillar SAI3703
